Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Hello All,

Allow me to introduce myself. My name is David Arsenault, and I am the project supervisor for Canada World Youth in Cornwall this year. As you may know, our organization has been engaging youth from Canada and abroad in volunteer service, experiential education and community development programs since 1971, and is working in Cornwall this year for the first time .
As preparations are underway I am asking for your assistance in spreading the word throughout your community, in your bulletin/newsletter, or online, as we continuously look to make new connections in the community for meeting space, host families, work placements and resource people. I would be happy to come by and put up a poster in your space if there is an appropriate board, to give a brief chat and/or network at any upcoming events you may have.
This year Canada World Youth is excited to bring 18 youth volunteers (9 Canadian and 9 Vietnamese) from October 20th to December 21st, 2014, to live, learn, and volunteer in Cornwall. Specifically we will be looking at issues related to gender and health in partnership with local non-profit organizations. The youth will also share their experiences from the first phase of the program in Vietnam (happening from August to October) with the community through host families and events.
We are looking for host families (of all kinds) to open their doors and share their lives with 2 youth volunteers for the 2 month period (a stipend is provided); community members who can act as resource people either about particular aspects of Cornwall (be it politics, innovation, the arts, events etc) or their own expertise; meeting space and activities to get involved in; and for work placements with community based organizations related to the health theme where the youth can volunteer 2-4 days a week.
We greatly appreciate any support/leads/ideas you can offer and I am looking forward to introducing these youth to our fantastic community! I am happy to come by any time to introduce myself and chat about the program or answer any questions by email, phone or skype.

Attached to this email you will find a press release as well as a host-family search poster, both of which are for free distribution through your networks.

Thank you for your support,

David Arsenault

Project Supervisor / Superviseur de Projets
Canada World Youth, Youth Leaders in Action / Jeunesse Canada Monde, Jeunes Leaders en Action
Tel/Tél: (613) 870-1399
Email/Courriel: darsenault@cwy-jcm.org
Blog: cwycornwallvietnam.blogspot.ca/

Sunday, 22 June 2014

So you want to host volunteers?

Host Families

So you are interested in hosting?
Host families are an integral part of the experience for our youth volunteers, allowing them the opportunity to see and experience the community from diverse perspectives, in a safe and comfortable environment.

We invite people of all ages, ethnicities, faiths, genders, sexual orientations, family types, and more to express their interest.  Since 1971, more than 36,000 youth from Canada and around the world have participated in Canada World Youth projects.

The program dates in Cornwall are October 20 - December 21, 2014
What it entails

  • Hosting 2 youth volunteers (1 Canadian and 1 Vietnamese - "counterparts", both will be the same gender, between ages 17 and 24) 
  • 1 room is all that is needed (2 is ok too!), ideally participants have their own bed (I can help you arrange for this!)
  • You will include the volunteers as family members and provide 3 meals a day
  • You may also contribute to small amounts of transportation if possible, but the youth will have bus passes

Expectations for the youth
  • Just as we expect host families to welcome youth into their family, youth are expected to contribute to family life, chores, etc.
  • The youth are engaged in volunteer work placements and group activities Monday to Friday
  • Canada World Youth has established norms, rules and responsibilities for the youth, and there is a formal disciplinary process should this be necessary - I will share these with you!

What is in it for you?

  • A great way to bring the world to your home!
  • Learn more about Canada and Vietnam through cultural exchange
  • Gain new perspective, spice things up

What support do we offer?
  • As CWY has been doing this since 1971 there are numerous support systems in place
  • There will be 2 full time project supervisors living in Cornwall for the entire program (a Canadian and a Vietnamese) available 24/7
  • We will have a intro meeting, as well as a mid-exchange check-in for the host families so you can get to know each other, answer questions, talk about scenarios, preparation, provide some resources on how to prepare, to set expectations, integrate the youth, feeding them, etc
  • We will manage any medical or behavioural issues
  • Host families are given a stipend of $180/week to cover the majority of the extra expenses you will incur
  • We will arrange for visits in the home weekly/bi-weekly to check-in with everyone
What is the process?

  • Call me, email me, tweet me, comment here! Get in contact! Contacting me does not mean a commitment, but the beginning of a discussion, and potentially a great experience!
  • I can respond to any questions, provide more info, discuss the program in person, on the phone, or by email, etc
  • If you want to take the next step we will go through an interview process at your home, this is so we can get to know each other, clarify expectations from all sides, discuss logistics, etc. I will also ask for a tour of your house.
  • Once we confirm your participation as a host family we will request criminal record checks (through an online platform - BackCheck) for all family members living in the house over 18 years of age
  • A Contract will be signed by host families
  • Then comes an orientation session for all host families at which time more information and resources will be provided
  • The youth volunteers arrive in Cornwall October 20 and are there  until December 21 after spending 2 months in Vietnam as a group
  • Throughout this time the supervisors will come check-in with host families, we will have a mid-project meeting with host families, and at the end will ask you to complete an evaluation